Psychological Services by BBRFI

Brain Mapping

brain mapping

Helps to see the unique pattern of Mental Strengths and Weaknesses.

DNA Mapping

DNA mapping

Depicts your IQ, Depression, Schizophrenia, Optimism, Bipolar.

Biological Mapping

biological mapping

Depicts your various Inborn Potentials and Intelligence.

Psychological Mapping

psychological test

Helps in understanding the present Potentials and Psyche.

Career Counseling

career counseling

Know what is the perfect career path for you.

IQ Testing

IQ test

Psychological and Genetic IQ

Mind Matching

mind matching

Match your Brain with your partner

Stress Management

Multitasking Stressed Business Woman in Office Work Place. Vector illustration

Wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s levels of stress.

Psychological Resilience Training/ Workshop

psychological resilience

Improve coping skills so that you can better handle life’s hardships

Subconscious Mind Training/ Workshop

Access your subconscious mind

Regulates all your bodily functions and houses the memories and experiences of every event in your life, whether you can consciously remember them or not.

Therapy for attention and behavioral problems

attention behavioral problem

Behavioral Treatment for ADD/ ADHD

Motivational Programs

motivational programmer

Learn to be self motivated

Therapy for emotional difficulties

depression girl

An effective treatment for reducing stress, depression and anxiety.

Evaluation for attention & learning disorders

learning problem

Behavioral Treatment for ADD/ADHD and other psychological concerns.